Commercial Ice Solutions – unique to your business!
From ice consumption and types of ice to commercial ice machines and storage solutions, Fresh Ice Machine Rentals are your ice rental supply experts in the greater Auckland region.
Fresh Ice Machine Rentals 2016 Ltd (formerly Freshice Machine Rentals) continue to lead the way in specialist rental sales, support and servicing on quality Hoshizaki Ice Machines. We offer 24/7 breakdown and service support and the assurance of over 20+ years industry experience.
We make it our business to understand the unique needs of your industry, and more importantly the needs of your business.
We specialise in ice machine rentals; All-In-One Ice Machines, Modular Ice Machines and Bins; how they operate in various environments based on consumption volume and placement. We work with you to provide the very best solution for your commercial needs.
All of our rental ice machines are serviced every six months, which means a new water filter is fitted and the machine is fully cleaned and sanitised.
For super easy, affordable ALL-IN-ONE MONTHLY ice machine rentals – contact Gene today!
Our Sustainability Commitment
Ensuring that we respect and care for the environment that we live in today, and the environment that we wish for tomorrow – is a core value of our business.
By providing affordable access to quality ice machine rentals to the Auckland commercial industry, we are able to do our part by decreasing the saturation of unrecyclable plastic packaging and also the carbon emissions footprint that the source and supply of bagged ice supply presents.
Hoshizaki ice machines are Industry Standard.
The Hoshizaki Company is noted for developing energy and water efficient, environmentally friendly (Hydro Fluorocarbon free) ice makers, adding value for the end-user through cost-saving and sustainability.